
Saturday, January 12, 2013

CT Cover Story: Worshiping Jesus in the Mosque

Wow. Christianity Today, goin’ for it!  See the new issue here.

I don’t like the title.  It’s possible to remain in “Islamic culture” without ever going to the Mosque.  But I guess you have to create a title that sells.

In any case, you know the “Insider” debate is in full stride when CT features it on the cover!  Hopefully, there will be more missiology like this in CT in the years to come.

Here is the line-up:

Worshiping Jesus in the Mosque (Cover Story)

What it's like to follow Christ embedded in Muslim culture. An interview with a Muslim follower of Isa.

Gene Daniels


The rest are for subscribers only:

The Hidden History of Insider Movements

For generations, Islam and Hinduism have had believers.

Timothy C. Tennant

Jesus Saves, Religion Doesn't

Insider followers of Jesus may not have changed religions, but their lives have been changed by Christ.

John J. Travis

Too Much Context May Harm

I learned the limits in contextualizing the gospel for Muslims.

Phil Parshall

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