
Saturday, February 23, 2013

The Mobile Ministry Forum

From 2012 MMF Consultation Executive Summary (HT: Missions Catalyst):


119 mission strategists representing 56 organizations* participated in the third Mobile Ministry Consultation sponsored by the Mobile Ministry Forum (MMF). This more than doubled the 2011 Consultation participation. Presentations and discussions addressed a wide variety of issues critical to the use of mobile devices in ministry (see the topic list below). Collaborative outcomes of the consultation include plans to expand the four-week course into a six-week course, develop a training manual to equip ministries and local believers to use social media, create a mobile ministry pathway for ministries considering mobile ministry, develop a centralized online hub for all resources related to mobile ministry, design a three hour introductory online course, and create a taxonomy for discipleship criteria on the mobile platform.


Never before in human history has there been a technology as highly personal, rapidly deployed, and universally embraced as the mobile device. In late 2011, the number of people living on earth passed seven billion, while mobile phone subscriptions may surpass seven billion by the end of 2012. By 2015, the majority of all Internet access will be through mobile devices. The mobile device presents a unique, two-way communication channel that represents the most important technology available for kingdom advancement.


(Some of links are for Google Docs and may require a Google log-in)

Slide Show – A 90-second slide show from the consultation.

Schedule – The detailed program flow.

Notes – The detailed, crowd-sourced notes from each session on Google Docs.

Mobile Ministry Course – The current four-week mobile ministry course (online).


(Links to recorded presentations are being added as they become available)

Strategy Workshops
Tactics Workshops
For More Information, contact members of the steering committee:


Clyde Taber

Jay Clark

Johnathan Pulos

Keith Williams

The Mobile Ministry Forum

The Mobile Ministry Forum (MMF) is a coalition of ministries working towards the goal of giving every unreached person a chance to encounter Christ and His kingdom in a compelling, contextualized fashion through their personal mobile device by 2020.

* This included 31 participants who joined through interactive, remote access.

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