
Thursday, October 3, 2013

“Conversion and Belonging” IJFM issue now available

IJFM<br />                          30_1The new edition of IJFM is now available, and in my opinion, it’s one of the best issues in a while. Read the two page editorial by Brad Gill for an introduction.

The “Naja Case Study” below is an example of an indigenously-led Jesus movement (PLEASE don’t think “insider” or C5) where the Bible is followed, ekklesia are formed, and most believers still identify in some sense as Muslims, but do not hold to foundational Islamic beliefs. They are still thought of as Muslims, but they also identify with the institutional church. This is the case study that we have been waiting for, and more analysis by Naja will be forthcoming. It will be important that additional research is conducted 5-10 years from now. We need more longitudinal studies, as movements and missiological phenomenon are always in dynamic transition. Where will this movement go?

Here is the issue line-up:

From the Editor’s Desk Brad Gill 107k
Living Out an “In
Christ” Identity: Research and Reflections Related to Muslims
Who Have Come to Faith in Jesus Christ
David Greenlee

Emerging Missiological Themes in MBB Conversion Factors

Warrick Farah
Heart Allegiance and Negotiated Identity Eric Adams
A Jesus Movement Among Muslims: Research from Eastern Africa Ben Naja
Power and Pride: A Critical
Contextual Approach to Hui Muslims in China

Enoch Jinsik Kim
Book Reviews
H. L. Richard, Duane Alexander Miller Botero
In Others' Words IJFM Staff   75k


  1. Hi Warrick,

    Congratulations on publishing your article. I note that there is a book review by me in there too, but that is not very important.

    I wanted to agree with you that we need more studies that reach across years and decades even.

    And again, mabrook on your fine article.

    Duane Alexander Miller

  2. Hi Duane, thanks! I gave you props for your input on my previous post: "How are Muslims coming to Christ? Introduction" Thanks for all your help and inspiration!
