Sunday, January 8, 2012

What's the Message of the Bible in One Sentence?

Very interesting post: click here to read the various answers.  It’s very similar to ask what is the gospel or what is mission.  As you read, notice three issues:

  1. Is the main message of the Bible to see Jesus/God ruling/reigning as King and Lord, or is Jesus mainly a Savior to save people from their sins?  We should not bifurcate the two (yes I just said bifurcate), but is one aspect a function of the other?
  2. Is restoring/redeeming creation (not just people) included, or are people the extent of Christ’s work?  Also, are “all the nations” in view?
  3. Is there an element of doxology, or is the storyline about human flourishing? (Again about the bifurcating.)

How would you answer the question? Sound off in the comments below.

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1 comment:

AT said...

I like what one person(Kitch)commented in the blog post:

"God chose one man (Abraham) in order to make of him one great nation (Israel) so that through it He might bring forth the one great Savior (Jesus) and through Him demonstrate God's glory and extend God's grace to all creation."

In response to your three points:

1. I agree we shouldn't "bifurcate." ;) I also am cautious/weary of overly man-centered views like "It's all about ME."

2. "All the nations" didn't show up in any of the responses. "All creation" did, but that's probably hinting at the new earth and creation groaning etc... I think it should have and is why I like the response I pasted above. Plus this "all nations/peoples theme shows up over 1300 times in scripture (according to Todd Ahrend from the Traveling Team).

3. I think what you're asking here is about what the purpose of the message is. Similar to my point in number 1, I think it should be more doxology, more about God's praise than man's salvation/sanctification. Using "kingdom" language may be more helpful as has been discussed at this site before.

If the lens we look through to see the world and to understand the events of life is one that only sees as far as our good, then we will not be able to make sense of suffering, and our joy will not be complete since because it is directly connected to what we value and find worth in (i.e. christian hedonism).