Saturday, June 19, 2021

Misc Links: Palestine and Power, ‘Isa and Jesus, Mosque Planting and America

A quick post to share three brief articles worth reading.

First, Caleb Hutcherson shares a moving piece on the relationship between power, oppression, and Zionism. Missiological responses to the subject/conflict due well to consider this perspective: Palestine, Evangelicalism, and the Problem of Power

Second, ministry to Muslims in Arab contexts involves the inevitable issue of the translation for “Jesus.” Should it be ‘Isa (the Qur’anic term) or Yesua’ as Christians typically say? In my experience, Arab MBBs get used to using both names without much difficulty- ‘Isa in Muslim contexts and Yesua’ in Christian contexts. There are some compelling and commonsensical reasons for using ‘Isa in Arabic translations of the Bible for a Muslim audience. See Martin Accad, What’s in a Name?: A Case for Using ‘Isa in Arabic Translations of the Bible.

Finally, Jayson Casper has a very interesting article in Christianity Today on American Muslim patterns of “mosque planting” and “unmosqued youth” that resemble Christian semantics on similar issues, especially related to secularism: The American Mosque: More Suburban, Less Conversion.

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