
Islam is based on teachings in the Qur'an. Knowing the teachings of Islam helps us to understand the uniqueness of the teachings of Christianity and the perspective of Muslims.


Pre-Islamic Arabia

Pre-Islamic Arabia

Arabia in the 6th century was a land where traders and raiders lived. Mecca was a city in which many religions were practiced.


Muhammad, the man

Early Life & Influences

In his early life, Muhammad was influenced by Judaism, Christianity and the Hanifs.

Revelations, Hegira, Movement

As Muhammad began telling others about his revelations, he was forced to flee Mecca and went to Medina. After he consolidated his power and influence he returned to Mecca.


The Qur'anic World View


The text of the Qur'an was revealed directly to Muhammad.

Creation, Anthropology, Cosmos

The Qur'an has passages that teach about both practical and spiritual aspects of daily life. The world was created in six days and there will be a culmination of events at the end of the age.


Central Articles

Pillars 1 & 2

The first two pillars of the Muslim faith are the confession of faith (Shahadah), and ritual prayer (Salat).

Pillar 3 & 4

Almsgiving (Zakat) and fasting (Sawm) are the third and fourth pillars of the Islamic faith.

Pillar 5

Pilgrimage (Hajj) is the fifth pillar of Islam.


Islam as a "Missionary" Religion

Islam as a "Missionary" Religion

Da'wah and jihad are two methods that the Qur'an describes for Muslims to approach infidels.


Historical Development

Muhammed and Caliphs

After Muhammad's death in 632 AD, he was succeeded by the four "rightly guided caliphs."

Shi'a, Sunni and Sufism

The split between the Sunni and Shi'a groups began when there was a disagreement over who should succeed Muhammad after he died. Sufi Islam is the mystical expression of Islam and could be compared to the monastic movement in Christianity.


Role of Tradition

Role of Tradition

Many Muslims consider the Hadith an important source of information for guidance in how to live their lives.


The Islamic Sharia

The Islamic Sharia

Sharia is Islamic religious law which regulates both public and private aspects of life.


Schools of Law

Schools of Law

Different groups within the Sunni and Shia traditions have various perspectives on how the teachings in the Qur'an and Hadith should be interpreted and applied.


Sufism and Sufi Orders

Sufism and Sufi Orders

Sufi Muslims are more contemplative, mystical, individualistic, syncretistic, and non-legalistic than someone who is an orthodox Muslim.


Folk Islam

Introduction, Hausa, Tiv

Folk Islam is a popular expression of Islam which has synthesized indigenous beliefs and customs into the religion. Folk Islam is a popular expression of Islam which has synthesized indigenous beliefs and customs into the religion. Two expressions of this in Nigeria are the Hausa and Tiv.

Yoruba, Maguzawa, Key Observations

Folk Islam is a popular expression of Islam which has synthesized indigenous beliefs and customs into the religion. Two expressions of this in Nigeria are the Yoruba and Maguzawa.


Jesus and the Qur'an

Introduction, Titles and Life

The Qur'an contains a description of Jesus' life and ministry.

Death, Resurrection and Deity

The description in the Qur'an of Jesus' death, resurrection and deity are different than that of the Bible.


Biblical/Theological Issues

Biblical/Theological Issues

Islam does not teach the doctrine of the Trinity.


Cultural Issues

Cultural Issues

Islam has clear teachings in cultural areas such as the significance of beards, acceptable types of clothing, behavior and acceptable clothing for females, and food and dietary restrictions.


The Christian Community in an Islamic Context

The Christian Community in an Islamic Context

In order to make it easier for Muslims to understand and accept the message of the gospel, Christians can approach them with the assumption that they probably misunderstand the Gospel, that the number one stumbling block for Muslims is Christianity, and that the most effective approach is Jesus plus nothing.


Islamic Apologetics Surveyed

Islamic Apologetics Surveyed

Comparison of teachings of Christianity and Islam.