Saturday, February 12, 2011

Why is there a significant increase of Muslims making a commitment to Jesus? 10 Reasons

A paper by Duane Miller “Woven in the Weakness of the Changing Body: the Genesis of World Islamic Christianity.”  At his blog he says, “In this paper I try to analyze some of the main trends that have allowed for a global space wherein conversions from Islam to Christ have increased very substantially since the second half of the 20th Century.”  Here are the 10 factors Miller’s research identified:

    1. Media
    2. Exposure to other ways of life/thought/and religion
    3. Contextualized or culturally-sensitive witness
    4. Living Abroad/migration
    5. Prayers/a move of the Spirit/God‘s timing
    6. Dreams/Visions/Miracles
    7. Greater number of missionaries
    8. Translation of the Bible and material into local languages/dialects/forms
    9. Greater diversity in missionary strategies/platforms
    10. Great boldness in evangelization

Read the whole thing (35 pages).


Abu Daoud said...
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Abu Daoud said...

Very interesting material.

Anonymous said...

Dear Warrick,

Thanks for posting this on your blog. If you or any of your readers have questions about the material I am glad to answer them to the best of my ability.


Duane Miller